Magnum 4D

Magnum 4D 万能 belongs to the M in KTM 4D whose company belongs to Magnum Berhad the first company to work well as commercial gambling and also owning a Formula One team.
Founded in the 60’s they are licensed to promote, operate and manage 4D forecast betting in Malaysia. Did you know back in the day, this company is famously known as Empat Nombor Ekor Berhad. The current name was launched back in 1977 and being established for so long, Magnum has become a popular lottery company in Malaysia. The company is so successful that they are listed in the Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur. They later re-privatise the company again by repurchasing all the stocks in the public.
Magnum holds many patented rights and copyrights to the KTM 4D digit game worldwide. Their method of generating more chance of winning and foundation of fair play have garnered many interest of the public and consistent fan base players. This can be seen through their successful launch or relaunch of the basic classic 4 Digit game with special game extension which is copyrighted in 2013. They also have games with 2 digit extensions that controls extra wins which is the Jackpot. The multi chance winning opportunity for players to win more than they have thought is endless with Magnum.
Being members of World Lottery Association and Asia Pacific Lottery, the company operate in high ISO pedigree standards. As a member of this international organisation, Magnum strives to uphold ethical principles and best practices to ensure that it maintains a high standard of integrity, responsibility, accountability, and professionalism for its Staff, Customers, Communities, and Stakeholders.
Are you inspired by certain numbers? The belief in the mystical and divine significance of numbers is called numerology. It is based on the idea that each number has a unique vibration or energy that can influence a person’s life and personality. Numerologists use various methods to analyse and interpret numbers. These include assigning numerical values to letters and words, adding numbers to birth dates or names and studying patterns of repeating numbers.
Why not put your desired numbers to good use? Combine them into a four digit combination and place your bet with us at ktm4d. You can play online or for better experience, download our app to do many things, buy lottery numbers, check lottery results, play slots, bet on your favourite football team and many more!
We have all the popular games at our site; Magnum 4D, Magnum Jackpot Gold and Magnum 4D Powerball. To play Magnum, you can buy your numbers online with us! Our company has launched a mobile app that allows you to check your lottery results, buy tickets and manage your account. At KTM4D, we accept most payment methods and don’t forget to register your account with us!